sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011

Se for para felicidade geral da nação, a minha marca patrocina

José Estevão Cocco
No último jogo da seleção brasileira de futebol, o Brasil inteiro percebeu a importância do esporte na vida de um povo.
Nos momentos esportivos, os torcedores vibram, gritam, extravasam alegria esquecendo, mesmo que por breves momentos, a situação do mundo, do país, deles próprios.
Circo para o povo? Muito longe disso. Belém viveu quase uma semana inteira de felicidade.
De breves momentos em breves momentos o sportaiment vai agregando valores às marcas a ele linkadas.
No episódio de Belém, as empresas presentes no estádio, fora dele, nos merchandisings, nos patrocínios de televisão, silenciosamente tiveram um grande upgrade nas suas marcas.
O Brasil inteiro se emocionou com um dos maiores corais do mundo cantando um hino nacional ao vivo.
Enquanto todos nós acompanhávamos emocionados e embevecidos o raro espetáculo, as câmeras registravam as presenças das diversas marcas em placas, camisas, faixas, semblantes tornando-as parte integrante da festa.
Que valor tem isso? Incomensurável.
Quando o espetáculo é adequado, bem organizado e divulgado, o resultado sempre aparece. A adequação independe da qualidade suprema. Em Belém foi um jogo com personagens coadjuvantes, conforme a crítica futebolística classifica. Mas foi na medida para o mercado local, que transferiu para todo o Brasil, Argentina e muitos outros países o emocionante espetáculo.
Imagine na Copa do Mundo.

José Estevão Cocco
 é Diretor-presidente da J.Cocco Sportainment Strategy, Presidente da Academia Brasileira de Marketing Esportivo, Conselheiro da Associação de Marketing Promocional, Membro da Academia Brasileira de Marketing e Idealizador e professor do Curso Sportainment Strategy – A Nova Geração do Marketing Esportivo.

terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

Sebb Blatter expresses concern over 2014 World Cup in Brazil

By Alex CapstickSepp BlatterBrazil won the right to host the 2014 world cup in 2007
The head of Fifa Sepp Blatter has written to the President of Brazil to express concern over the country's preparations for the 2014 World Cup.
It comes amid growing tensions between football's world governing body and the Brazilian Government.
President Dilma Rousseff has been quoted in the Brazilian press as having demanded a "frank conversation" with Blatter to discuss the issues.
Fifa has repeatedly warned the the Brazilian organisers about work delays.


Brazil have taken part in 19 World Cups, winning five in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002.
It now seems those concerns,surrounding the building of new stadiums and infrastructure around the tournament, extend to Fifa's legal demands on the host nation, with football's world governing body expecting to take total control of all aspects of the event.
One sticking point is believed to be the issue of ticket prices.
In Brazil students and elderly citizens get a 50 per cent discount for football matches and other forms of entertainment, and the Government wants the policy to be extended to the World Cup in 2014.
Another issue is Fifa's refusal to allow non-rights holders to show matches on television, with the Brazilians wanting local broadcasters to be given some limited access.

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2011

Ministério do Esporte vai abrir licitação para projetos de promoção da imagem do Brasil na Copa 2014

licitação para projetos de promoção da imagem do Brasil na Copa
Brasília – O Ministério do Esporte vai publicar esta semana o edital para selecionar projetos de promoção da imagem do Brasil para a Copa do Mundo de 2014. Os  projetos seguirão diretrizes do Plano de Promoção do Brasil, editado pelo Grupo Executivo da Copa do Mundo da Fifa 2014 (Gecopa). A aprovação do plano foi publicada na edição de hoje (26) do Diário Oficial da União.
Estão incluídas no plano ações de publicidade, relações públicas, promoção de imagem e relacionamento com a imprensa. As iniciativas levarão em conta três eixos: turismo, negócios e sociocultural.
De acordo com o plano, as peças publicitárias e ações de promoção da imagem do país para os públicos interno e externo deverão destacar características que relacionam o Brasil à alegria, hospitalidade, beleza natural e diversidade cultural. Além desses atributos, definidos por meio de pesquisas, as ações também terão que focar avanços da economia e na inclusão social.
Os projetos serão analisados por uma comissão especial a ser criada, com dois representantes do Ministério do Esporte e dois da Secretaria de Comunicação da Presidência da República. Os projetos selecionados serão submetidos ao Gecopa.
Leia Também

Teixeira to be investigated for money laundering by Brazilian prosecutor's office

By Andrew Warshaw

Monday, 26 September 2011

Ricardo_Teixeira_at_Beach_Football_World_Cup_September_11_2011September 26 - Ricardo Teixeira, head of the Organising Committee for the 2014 World Cup who only two months ago described English journalists as corrupt, is reportedly to be investigated for alleged money laundering and tax crimes. 

According to The Associated Press, Brazilian police will be ordered to launch an inquiry to find out whether Teixeira, head of the country's Football Association (CBF), illegally transferred money into Brazil.

Teixeira, the most powerful figure in Brazilian soccer who has had a long-running feud with Pele, the country's greatest footballing icon, is accused of taking kickbacks from FIFA's former marketing partner ISL in the 1990s.

Last year, just before the vote for the 2018 and 2022 World Cups, the BBC accused Teixeira of being one of three high-profile FIFA Executive Committe members involved in corruption. 

The alleged backhanders, it said, dated from 1989 to 1999.

FIFA later dismissed the allegations while Teixeira denied any wrongdoing. 

But according to AP, the prosecutor's office has now confirmed that a request to have police look into the money transfer will be made in the next few days, re-opening the whole saga. 

It said in a statement that Teixeira will be investigated for money laundering and tax crimes in a case that could take months.

Teixeira has been a constant figure of controversy inside and outside Brazil. 

In May, he was accused of unethical conduct by former English Football Association chairman Lord Triesman over the bidding process for the 2018 World Cup.

Inevitably, however, he has gained the backing of his national federation.

"There is always some kind of accusation against him, but they are never able to prove anything because he didn't do anything wrong," said Rodrigo Paiva, the CBF's spokesman. 

"Teixeira has never been convicted of anything anywhere."

Maybe not but if the latest twist proves Teixeira guilty, it will do considerable damage to FIFA's already flagging reputation as well as the 2014 World Cup organisation.

Only two months ago, during the 2014 preliminary draw in Rio de Janeiro, Teixeira clashed with English reporters, calling them "corrupt" after being asked to comment on allegations that he was the one who had to answer claims of corruption.

The spat was fuelled by Teixeira describing the English as "pirates" and vowing to "make their lives hell" at 2014.

Contact the writer of this story at

Related stories
August 2011: Head of Brazil 2014 being investigated for embezzlement
July 2011: World Cup draw overshadowed by Teixeira-Pele dispute
July 2011: I will make your lives hell, Teixeira threatens English FA

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Marketing Trends for 2013 and beyond

Marketing Trends 2013 - Gareth CaseYou may have already seen my post on my top 5 marketing trends for 2012 but for me, there is nothing like looking ahead so I have been thinking about 2013 and beyond and here are some of my marketing trend predictions looking beyond next year.
1. The Social Enterprise
I have spoken about this innovation in a recent post and I believe we will see a dramatic increase in companies embracing their own internal social networks. Technology providers such as Microsoft, Cisco and SalesForce already have or are working on enterprise grade solutions to help us work smarter and more efficiently within a social environment. If your company has multiple offices, a disparate workforce or a high number of employees, you should think about starting the planning process for this now.
2. Hosted Content on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc…
In my opinion, the future of successful marketing lies in the hands of social media and the well established social networks. Our customers (on the whole) are social, so we must be also. I believe the traffic to our websites will reduce as we host more content on the likes of Facebook, LinkedIn and perhaps our own social networks. This will enhance distribution and sharing possibilities and means we can influence on platforms that blend our target audience’s work AND personal time. The advancements in Ruby and Java based apps will make it easy and cost-effective to design rich, multi-media applications on these platforms, and leverage the scope of the 000′s of millions of users they have already.
3. Goodbye E-Mail (well, almost)
As the Facebook generation starts cementing itself in our workplace, the use of traditional communication tools such as e-mail will undoubtedly reduce. The use of e-mail declined last year for 12-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 and 45-54 year olds with an increase only evident for the 55-64 and 65+ age groups. Video as a communication tool will become the standard, supported strongly by social channels. Mobile networks will be equipped to handle video calls and Cisco claim that every endpoint they sell will be video enabled by the end of 2013 and that 85% of all internet traffic in 2015 will be video. This means we will see an increase in video events, video collateral and a more collaborative workforce.
What’s more, smartphone adoption will continue to grow, predicted to account for around 90% of all mobile phones by 2013. Location based marketing, combined with innovations such as Google Wallet are set to transform the way we as consumers source, buy and review our product choices. They will also greatly improve the visibility of campaigns and in some instances will speed up and improve response rates.
I appreciate that all 3 of these trends are heavily biased towards social media but can anyone really envisage growth in traditional marketing channels past 2013? There is and always will be a time for Direct Mail and Trade Shows and I believe they should still form part of multi-channel marketing strategy. At the same time however, the growth, reach, scalability, cost-effectiveness and adoption of social media is one that simply cannot be ignored. I can’t help but think that our use of social media will saturate as time goes by, there are as we know, still only 24 hours in a day and managing our social communities is a time-consuming task.
One last thing to consider… We cannot underestimate the technology companies when it comes to trends. Just 3 and a bit years ago no-one even knew what the App Store was, yet now there are nearly 500,000 apps to download and more than 10,000 new ones submitted every month, and that’s not including Android or any other platforms.
Be sure, they will re-write the rule book once more before the end of 2015…
What do you think will be the next big marketing trend?